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Finger joint – comb and box joints for woodworking.

Comb joints – Finger Joint – Box joint.

Three expressions for the same type of woodjoint.
The finger joint is, among other purposes, used to make planks longer and for construction of box shapes.
You will need special tools to make these connections for wood.
Fitting is very precise, if there is a slight fault then your parts will not fit together.
For that reason it is a wood joining method which is very strong but only suitable if you have the right machinery.

Four different finger joints to make timber longer.

Pointy fingers and rectangular patterns grip together.
This wood joinery is often used to make large floorboards and wooden beams with a long span.

Four of the many patterns for a finger joint.


Tools to make a finger joint.

On the pictures above you can see how floorboards and wooden beams are made longer.
This is often done in the factory when you order timber with a non – standard length.

The workshop has special glues and a lot of woodclamps.
Therefore you can expect a better result if this job is done by a specialist.

This picture shows how the grooves are made with two different bits.
These are fitted in the router, they make corresponding slits and fingers in the wood.
Any type of wood can be used.
This joinery method is also useable for MDF boards.

Box joint for wooden cages and boxes.
Assembly of a wooden box with finger joints.

One of the first projects that carpentry students have to make is a wooden box.
You have to apply several woodworking techniques.
Therefore it is a great project to get used to your tools and machines.

A box joint rig might not be cheap, but it will last for a lifetime.

The fingers can be pointed or square.
Pointed fingers are mostly used to elongate timber.
The square finger joint is mainly used in furniture construction.

Make box joints -a finger joint – with a router.

Smart way to make box joints without the special tools.
In this video we see how you make the same style of finger joints.
No special tools needed, use many slats which overlap at the corners.

More joinery methods for woodworking and homemade furniture.
T shape woodjoint.
The strength of a butt joint is greatly enhanced with dowels or screws.
Half lap miter wood joint.
Overlapping wood provides more contact space.
How to make a pointed dowel wood joint with a spoke cutter and corresponding drill bit.
These bridle joints are strong and lightweight.
Use a wood clamp to make long wooden beams.
Corners of 90 degrees have a 45 degree miter.
Overlapping wood lap joint with nuts and bolts.
The four most used methods to make a lap joint in woodworking.
Use alignment plugs for woodjoints with hidden dowels.
How to make farmhouse furniture with a spoke cutter.


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