Make your own tables from reclaimed and repurposed wood.
How to make a tabletop and frame for a table. Many ways to construct frames for tables of all sorts, for inside and outside. Table legs with simple diy constructions and more advanced joinery methods to make your furniture. We tried to compile examples for all skill levels, but mainly simple to make tables to assemble without classic joinery. Therefore you will mostly see tables that you can assemble with self tapping screws.
Table frame made from 42 mm. thich scaffolding tubes.
Another popular material for table frames are the tubes from scaffolding. That material is fitted together with special clamps and connectors which you have to tighten with an allen key.
With tubes you will always have stable and straight frames at perfect angles. Furthermore, the frame can even be disassembled again. For that reason these tube table constructions are the best if you have never made furniture before.
If, by chance, you do something wrong then you can dismantle it and start again.
Most examples are meant for absolute beginners at carpentry. You will not need to make any complicated wood joinbery. Most of the wood will be connected with self tapping screws. Construction is usually very straight forward.
Easy DIY examples to make a table.
Reclaimed tires and traffic signs, tree logs and repurposed scaffolding. Those are some of the materials that you can use to make your own furniture. Use an old oil barrel to make a writing desk, repurpose old doors as tabletop.
Halved tree trunk as coffee table.
This table model is also suitable for use as barstool.
Old wrought iron frame with reclaimed tire and glass on top.
Street furniture, low coffee table made from a repurposed traffic sign.
Terrace table made from reclaimed stop sign.
Desk made from two recycled barrels.
Farmhouse coffee table made from an old farm door.
Tabletop as wel as the sides are made from repurposed old doors.
How to make a table from reclaimed scaffolding tubes and old wood.
Construction plan for building a small side table.
Assembly of barstool and table from recycled scaffolds.
Assembly of the table and finishing around the tabletop.
Lounge style coffee table from pallets with integrated planter.
Barstools and high table made from reclaimed pallets.
High bar table made from pallets.
Coffee table from douglas wood, with plants embedded in the tabletop.
Planter table for dining in the garden.
Dining table construction plan.
Dimensions for the table on this plan can be modified for different sizes and rectangular shapes.
H-frame kitchen table construction.
Coffee table on wheels, made from scaffold pipes.
Construction drawing how to make a table on wheels.
Table on wheels, made with scaffolding pipes.
Steel pipes frame from scaffolds with Kee clamps.
Exploded view construction drawing to make a kitchen trolley.
Exploded view of a DJ booth on wheels, made with scaffold pipes.
Easy transportable booth for DJ’s.
Office desk construction with repurposed scaffold materials.
Industrial style sidetable made with galvanised tubes and old wood.
A – frame picnic table made from repurposed scaffolds.
Sidetable with industrial design, made from repurposed scaffolding.