TV table made from scaffolding pipes and reclaimed wood.
Learn how you can make a television table without woodworking experience.
Constructions with scaffolding tubes and tube connectors are very easy and straightforward. You will only need a few tools to make this tv table. All that is needed are primarily a woodsaw and a metal saw or an angle grinder. Furthermore only an allen key and a screwdriver for the self tapping screws. These are the only four, very basic tools needed, and the hand tools are very cheap as well.
Easy project to make a teevision table from reclaimed scaffold tubes and clamps with a few old planks.
You can assemble this TV table in less than two hours, but let’s not make it a race. Spend a bit more time for the finishing touches. That will greatly enhance the aspect of your homemade television table.
We have translated many of these construction drawings for scaffold pipes from our Dutch woodworking examples. See the original instructions how you can make this television table.
Homemade furniture, construction drawings for scaffolding pipes.