Repurposed traffic signs and streetname boards, upcycled as furniture.
Recycling art and street furniture.
Awesome chairs and tables, made from metal streetname boards and traffic signs.
Folded metal sheets from beside the street, still with the original prints.
These repurposed furniture designs are so original that they appear in several musea.
Some of the most famous artists who make this recycling art art Tim Delger and Boris Bally.
Repurposed materials as base for homemade chairs and tables.
Aren’t these tables and chairs great?
Apart from the design, the print also forms part of this art object.
It would almost be a pity if you use these fantastic chairs at home.
On the other hand, if something happens to it you can always make a new chair.
Streetname signs and traffic signals are easily available, but you might have to search a bit.
You will see that there is unlimited supply once you know where to obtain these metal signs.
You might inquire at your local townhall, they will probably tell you where the old traffic signs and streetname signals are stored.
Obviously these signs are hardly ever for free, but the prices for this sheet metal are cheap.
Another material that could be repurposed are metal publicity boards.
These signs are however quite expensive.
Brand names like Coca Cola and car brands on signs are collectors items with according prices.
Scrapyards might have a pile of streetname and traffic signs as well.
Ask around, you will soon have a pile of traffic signs which you can repurpose as homemade furniture.
Use scaffolding tubes and tube connectors to make frames for your homemade furniture.
Use one of our construction drawings for tube furniture.
Attach street signs instead of scaffold boards.
Below are some examples for combinations of reclaimed streetsigns with tubes from scaffolding.
How to make a chair from streetsigns and speed limit signals.
This is a method used by Boris Bally.
The metal signs are first cut to pieces.
Then he forms the sheets, bending and shaping till the final shape is made.
All sheets of metal are fitted with screws, bolts and nuts.
First the construction drawing and beside it the finished chair.