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Recycled oil barrels – furniture diy examples.

Reclaimed oil barrels, recycled and repurposed vats as furniture.

Though these metal vats are not a material that is available everywhere, there are some great ways to recycle oil barrels.
Most people will be able to get one or two vats for free.
In some places these vats are the only metal that is widely available.
Developing countries are always in need for cheap materials that can be recycled.
These oil vats are a great material to make chairs and benches.
Not only because the recycled barrels are cheap, the end result can be astonishing beautiful and functional.

DIY examples for repurposing oil vats as furniture, tables and a chair made from old barrels.

Some examples of recycled oil barrels in tables chairs and benches.
Cutting the vat to make a bench.
Reclaimed oil vat made into a designer bench.
BBQ made from repurposed barrel.
  1. Cut the oil barrel with a torch or angle grinder.
    Wear goggles and protective gloves.
  2. Make a seat for the bench, use reclaimed wood such as scaffolding boards.
  3. Fixate the backrest to the sides of the bench.
  4. Attach two thick planks below the barrel as legs.
    This places the metal above the ground and hence prevents the formation of rust.
  5. Remove the bench backrest, the seat and legs again to paint all parts seperately.
  6. After the paint has dried you cab fit all parts again.
  7. Use rubber strips to protect the sharp metal edges.
    A good and free material are the old rubbers from car doors and car boots.
    Otherwise it is not difficult neither to cover the edges with some foam and upholstery.

Chairs made from repurposed oil barrels.

Repurposed oil vat, barrel recycled into a chair.
These chairs are fairly easy to make for a diy hobbyist.
Three designer chairs made from repurposed oil vats.

Office furniture made from reclaimed barrels.

Drawer chest and office desk made from recycled oil vats.
Desk made from two recycled barrels.
Cupboard with shelving made inside an oil barrel.

You might also want to have a look at the furniture made from beer barrels.
Some very original ideas to repurpose beer vats into something completely new.

Barstool made of a beer barrel.
Nice design of a wash basin made from an old steel beerkeg.
Toilet in a bar, pee in an empty barrel.


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