Garden tables from repurposed wood, planter table designs and DIY inspiration for home made furniture. Low lounge coffeeetables with vegetation under glass.
Planter table with herbs and fruits growing from plant pots in the tabletop.
Repurposed as furniture ideas and free woodworking plans.
Examples of original garden tables made from reclaimed wood.
Probably you have already seen some of our woodworking plans to make a wooden planter. On this page we show you a few examples of planters integrated in a tabletop. See some great examples to make garden tables. The examples on this page feature an embedded planter in the tabletop. A planter table is often used with plants in containers and easy replaceable buckets.
Firstly pre-grow your plants untill they are big and ready for showing off. Then place these small planters in the table compartment. The planter tables is especially functional if you plant herbs and vegetables in it. Imagine having miniature tomatoes, chives and parsley growing in your planter table.
Lounge style coffee table with embedded planter.
Garden table from scaffolding wood with embedded planter in the center.
Low planter table made from pallets.
Outdoor kitchen with compartments for plants and made from pallets.
Lounge style coffeee table for outdoors, with integrated planters in the table top.
Table with large planter with succulents below a glass tabletop.
Planter at the same level and in the center of a tabletop.
Planter table for dining in the garden.
Four crates and a square planter are enough to make this great table.
Coffee table with planter, low lounge style.
Coffee table from douglas wood, with plants embedded in the tabletop.
Succulents growing in the planter table top.
Low table in the garden with succulents in a planter box.
Coffee table with glass tabletop covering a plant bed.
Perspex channel planter embedded in a hardwood dining table.
Green table design, hardwood and perspex for the planter.
Lounge style coffee table from pallets with integrated planter.