DIY examples how to make tables from recycled materials.
First of all, we think that our drawings are amongst the easiest constructions plans for furniture. Learn how to make tables and desks. Use scaffolding planks and pallets. Do it yourself plans and instructions for free. Illustrated with easy to understand drawings.
Most noteworthy, our table designs can be used for inside and outside. In addition we have free plans for garden furniture and picnictables. Homemade furniture with easy assembly methods. You do not need any skills or expensive tools. Learn how to make furniture with our woodworking plans. And most noteworthy, all of these free table designs are for easy assembly. You will mostly assemble the furniture with selftapping screws.
You will probably only need an allen key and a saw for our tables made with scaffolding tubes . However, for a speedy construction we almost always recommend the use of powertools. Specially if you make the furniture completely from wooden planks. Very handy are a power screwdriver and electric woodsaw.
Repurposed materials for construction of homemade tables.
Try to use repurposed planks and recycled slats to make these table designs. In addition, have a look at the chairs and benches to accompany these furniture designs. We concentrate our construction plans to be especially relevant for recycled materials. Therefore repurposed scaffolding planks are our main materials to make these furniture designs.
Repurposed scaffolding pipes to make a metal table frame.
This is the third table construction drawing for scaffolding pipes. All of these metal table frame constructions are similar, but each has some specifics that make it more apt for a certain purpose. This construction drawing is specially good to make a kitchen table, dining tables and tables for outside.
Make a steel tube rolling table frame and tabletop from repurposed scaffolding wood.
This design for this rolling table is very similar to our construction draing how to make a kitchen table from scaffolding tubes. The difference in this construction drawing are wheels under the table legs. Our previous model had round metal footplates under the legs, and that made it a bit hard to move the table.
Wheels with brakes completely eliminate the difficulty to move these tables. It will also prevent scratches on the floor. After all, the tubes together with a scaffolding wood tabletop and all of the tube clamps have a considerable weight. Continue reading “Rolling table on wheels, made from scaffolding pipes.”
Table frame made from 42 mm. thick scaffolding tubes.
Make these tables with scaffold tubes 42 mm. in diameter. That will make the frames very strong, therefore you will have no need for extra strengthening. Nevertheless you can still use the same construction drawings for tubes that are thinner. But in that case the scaffold tube table must not be too large.
Construction plan to make a strong kitchen trolley.
This kitchen trolley is easy to assemble by yourself. Use our shopping list for all the tube clamps and let the hardware store cut all the tubes for you. Adapt the sizes to your needs. Make a large size or small trolley, with or without a lid for the garbage can.
This construction drawing is mainly meant to show how these trolleys are made. Use the construction plan as inspiration, so that you can modify the trolley model to your needs.
Alternative to galvanised or aluminium scaffold tubes – round wood looks more rustic.
You have three choices for the tubes. Firstly, and the most used, are the galvanised pipes from scaffolds. Secondly you might choose pipes from aluminium. These aluminium scaffold pipes are more smooth, have a colour and they are lightweight.
Construction drawing how to make a coffeetable in industrial style.
Industrial style sidetable made with galvanised tubes and old wood.
The construction of this coffeetable is similar to many of our other tables from scaffolding tubes. One of the slight deifferences is how you make the tabletop. Nevertheless it is possible to use almost any other method to construct a tabletop for these frames.
Scaffold tube table frame and steel pipe frames for benches.
A free construction drawing with list of the parts to make a bench and tables from repurposed scaffolding. The pipes for this table frame are available in several thicknesses and the same counts for the connections. Scaffold pipes are available as galvanised steel tubes as well as in aluminium versions with several colours. Bear in mind that the sizes for aluminium and steel tubes are different. You can not use the clamps from steel scaffolding pipes to connect aluminium tubes nor vice versa. Continue reading “Table frame and benches made from scaffolding tubes and pipe clamps.”
Pipes from scaffolding and corresponding tube clamps are the basis for this low lounge style side table. The wood are planks from scaffolding, but any reclaimed planks will do.
It looks great when you use driftwood for the tabletop. But probably you will want to use the planks from the same scaffolds that provided the tubes and clamps for the side table frame.
Tubes from scaffolding to make a steel picnic table.
A – frame picnic table made from repurposed scaffolds.
Just a few examples for easy assembly of garden furniture. Learn the furniture assembly methods with the parts from reclaimed scaffolding. Use rods and clamps from scaffolds, these are ideal to make a strong steel picnic table frame.
You can also use the reclaimed wood from scaffolding to make a tabletop and seats for the benches.
Learn how you can make a television table without woodworking experience.
Constructions with scaffolding tubes and tube connectors are very easy and straightforward. You will only need a few tools to make this tv table. All that is needed are primarily a woodsaw and a metal saw or an angle grinder. Furthermore only an allen key and a screwdriver for the self tapping screws. These are the only four, very basic tools needed, and the hand tools are very cheap as well.
Easy project to make a teevision table from reclaimed scaffold tubes and clamps with a few old planks.
Make a kitchen side table and storage space on shelves.
Use this construction drawing as a base example to make tables of many sizes and shapes. These drawings can be used to make side tables as well as a kitchen table for dining. However, some of the shelves have to go if you want to use the tables in combination with chairs. The high kitchen tables are often used in combination with a barstool type of seats. Continue reading “Kitchen table with shelves, made with pipes and planks from scaffolding.”
A – Frame picnic table construction drawings and assembly methods.
A Frame picnic table model.
See how you can make your own garden furniture. We show you some examples for easy tables and benches for outdoors. A table design that is based on the shape of a capital A. This is a strong structure which provides strength lengthwise as well as towards the sides.
How to make a simple picnic table with X frame support.
X frame legs for a picnic table.
This is a very strong method for assembly of a picnic table. There is no need for complicated joinery. You will nevertheless have to make one important wood joint. That is the lap joint where the table legs cross each other.
But no fear, it is really simple to make this joinery method strong and good looking. Neither does it take long, if you start off with a table saw or circular saw. It might take a bit longer if you use a hand saw.
Your result with a hand saw will not be as good as when you use electrical saws. The reason for this is, that table saws and handheld circular saws have a setting for the depth. That makes it a lot easier to chisel the wood away at the same depth. As a result the joint provides a much smoother and flush point of contact. Continue reading “Picnic table with crossed legs.”
How to make picnic tables and benches for in the garden.
Many of these diy instructions are a translation from our Dutch website for home made furniture. However, there are many other great sites that show you how to make picnic tables and wooden garden furniture. For that reason we will show you some of the best sites with examples how to make picnictables. Those tables and picnic benches are interesting because of a different design or construction method. Continue reading “Picnic tables to make yourself, diy instructions and examples.”
Make your own tables from reclaimed and repurposed wood.
How to make a tabletop and frame for a table. Many ways to construct frames for tables of all sorts, for inside and outside. Table legs with simple diy constructions and more advanced joinery methods to make your furniture. We tried to compile examples for all skill levels, but mainly simple to make tables to assemble without classic joinery. Therefore you will mostly see tables that you can assemble with self tapping screws. Continue reading “Tables , table tops and frames. DIY construction examples and drawings.”
This bar table has a height that is convenient for use with barstools. It is definitely not the easiest design to make by yourself. Nevertheless it is a job that almost anyone can finish, provide that you have some patience. Contrary to most of our woodworking plans, this wine rack table does require a few basic carpentry skills. Most of the connections are made with dowels which strengthen the glued wood joints. Continue reading “Wine rack and high table.”
How to make a table from tubes and reclaimed scaffold boards.
Easy do it yourself instructions to make furniture from old scaffolds. A tube table is strong and long lasting. All parts of the scaffolding furniture can be repurposed again. Even though the tubes and planks can often be obtained for free, the tube connectors aren’t cheap. The re – usability of these construction materials makes the initial investment nevertheless worthwile. Continue reading “Tube table construction drawings and how to build furniture with repurposed scaffold materials.”
How to make a barstool with reclaimed wood and tubes from scaffolding.
Strong barstool and high tables for use in cafés and bars. These barstools and tables can be used inside as well as outside on a terrace. This design is ideal to be used as catering furniture and as seatings at a garden bar. Sturdy construction makes these barstools and matching tables weatherproof and long lasting. Continue reading “Barstool and table plans for reclaimed wood and scaffolding tubes.”
Construction drawings for a homemade farmhouse table.
Free plans to construct tables from reclaimed wood. This table design is easy to make, even if you have never made furniture before. The materials for farmhouse tables are cheap and sometimes free. Reclaimed planks from scaffolding and free wood from pallets are ideal for this construction drawing. The tables can be used inside as well as outside on the terrace. Continue reading “Farmhouse table made from scaffolding boards.”
Examples for a table with integrated cooler – ice bucket.
Cool ideas to make a garden table. Keep your drinks cool and close at hand. Integrate a bucket in the tabletop and fill with ice, it’s as simple as that. Alternatively you could, instead of a cooler with ice, place plant pots in the tabletop bucket. In that manner you can have herbs and vegetables growing straight on your garden table. Construction drawings for he basic model of this garden table, without the cooler buckets in the tabletop. Continue reading “Cooler table with ice bucket in the tabletop.”
Examples of original garden tables made from reclaimed wood.
Probably you have already seen some of our woodworking plans to make a wooden planter. On this page we show you a few examples of planters integrated in a tabletop. See some great examples to make garden tables. The examples on this page feature an embedded planter in the tabletop. A planter table is often used with plants in containers and easy replaceable buckets. Continue reading “Planter table with vegetation growing in the tabletop.”
Space saving office desk made of scaffolding wood.
Only a few planks are needed to make a spacious desk which does not occupy a lot or room. Make this desk from scaffolding planks or reclaimed wood. Since you will be working at this desk you will have to sand the surface to a very smooth texture. Give the planks some protection like white wash or a two colored grey wash finish. Continue reading “Wall mounted desk construction example.”
Free construction drawings for a solid dining table.
In the first place this is a table which is very easy to make yourself. See how you can make a table in very short time. Shorten all the wood before you begin, then the assembly will be very quick and easy. All the planks are connected with selftapping screws. There is no need for complicated woodworking skills. First have a good look at the dining table construction plan, then shorten the wood and start with the assembly. Continue reading “Dining table construction plan for scaffolding planks.”
Free woodworking examples and plans how to make a low lounge table.
First of all, this scaffold wood lounge furniture is probably the easiest set of woodworking plans. Make your own tables, construct wooden benches and chairs from scaffolding planks. This wooden lounge table is part of a three piece furniture set. Good weather treatment makes these tables suitable for inside as well as outside. A woodsaw and an electric screwdriver are all that you will need for the construction of a sturdy homemade lounge set. As a result you do not need any special woodworking equipment. Continue reading “Lounge table woodworking plans.”