Make your own furniture from pallets. Super easy examples made with recycled pallet wood. Homemade chairs, beds and benches, garden tables and planters.
Pallets garden furniture ideas, free building plans for chairs of pallet wood.
Repurposed as furniture ideas and free woodworking plans.
Make your own tables and chairs with repuporposed pallets.
First of all, please note that we are still working on translation. This counts for our drawings as well as for the woodworking plans. More drawings for homemade furniture are added in short time. All original plans and drawings with automatic translation originate on our Dutch website with diy ideas. See some nice ideas to make benches and chairs from repurposed wood. Learn how to construct a shed and swings for in the garden.
Free plans for homemade pallet furniture.
Some very easy plans how to make your own furniture. Pallets are the cheapest material for homemade outdoor furniture. Check which wood conservation products they used if you going to use the planks inside your house.
Remove planks from pallets without effort with a breaker tool.
Breaker tool for pallets.
Make your own pallet breaker from metal. Steel is the only material that is strong enough to resist continuous stress.
The stiffness of metal is also preferable above the bending qualities of wood. Therefore all pallet breakers must be made from strong metal.
Whether you use a welder or nut and bolts to make this tool is up to you. On the other hand it must be said that nevertheless most palletbreakers are welded. That is merely because it is quicker and produces a more sturdy tool. Continue reading “Breaker tool for dismantling pallets.”
Make your own furniture with reclaimed wood from pallets.
How to make a pallet chair.
For most construction plans you will first of all have to break the pallets to seperate planks and blocks. On the other hand there are also many furniture examples which are made for whole pallets.
Drawings for pallets that do not have to be dismantled are mainly used for outdoor furniture. This timber from pallets is quite rough, and therefore most people opt to give the planks a good planing with the sanding machine.
Examples for a table with integrated cooler – ice bucket.
Cool ideas to make a garden table. Keep your drinks cool and close at hand. Integrate a bucket in the tabletop and fill with ice, it’s as simple as that. Alternatively you could, instead of a cooler with ice, place plant pots in the tabletop bucket. In that manner you can have herbs and vegetables growing straight on your garden table. Construction drawings for he basic model of this garden table, without the cooler buckets in the tabletop. Continue reading “Cooler table with ice bucket in the tabletop.”
This is probably the easiest pallet chair to make yourself. You will only need one pallet and some selftapping screws. Therefore it will only cost you a little bit of money to make this chair, if any at all. Continue reading “Pallet chair examples and free diy plans.”
My selection of websites with great tutorials to make your own furniture. Easy do it yourself instructions for woodworking beginners and advanced carpenters. Continue reading “Free woodworking plans.”